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The first Arabic website for building skills and capabilities to earn income online.

  • The first academy in the Arab world specialized in online income.
  •  Optimal customer service.
  • Expert trainers with practical experience in their field of specialization.
  • The first platform in the Arab world to cover everything you need to learn about e-commerce.


Training Workshop introduction


One thousand students completed His training


The beginning of our journey in training



Dollar profits made by our students

Our Planets

Diversity is the key to our success, so join us in the space of our courses offered by the most skilled trainers. You can explore them through the various planets, covering different categories and outlets to achieve your goals. For those who love exploring new things and achieving financial independence, our planets are:


The e-commerce giant, the everything store, is the best destination for online shopping. It has evolved to become a global marketplace offering an unparalleled range of products and services. Amazon is a revolution in online shopping, with millions of people shopping through it, dominating the digital landscape.


With dropshipping, entrepreneurs can operate from anywhere with an internet connection, making it ideal for those seeking financial freedom. It is a business model for those who wish to overcome their expenses and financial challenges.


eBay is a leading company in online commerce, shaping the future of e-commerce and connecting buyers and sellers in a dynamic market that thrives on diversity and innovation. It is a reliable platform committed to satisfying millions of customers around the world.

Affiliate marketing

Affiliate marketing is a common and cost-effective marketing strategy. It provides a mutually beneficial arrangement by calculating a commission due at an agreed percentage between both parties monthly for revenue growth.

Cloud kitchen

A cloud kitchen is a commercial facility for producing food and selling it through online ordering platforms and delivery services to reach their audience. Cloud kitchens represent a revolutionary force in the food service industry, providing a scalable solution to meet the increasing demand for food delivery in the current digital age.

Current courses

The infamous Amazon FBA course!

Choose your price!

نخبة المدربين لدينا:

نختار لك فقط المدربين المحترفين والمتمرسين ذوي الكفاءة العالية، والمستعدين لنقل كل خبراتهم وتجاربهم إليك بشكل سهل لتحقيق النجاح المنشود.

What they said about us

Evaluations from our students after completing the courses.. Be one of them.

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